Friday, April 24, 2009

File Extension AMR

The file name of the user id and other personal information, the number of software licenses, and security information such as passwords, certificates, and keys. This file and the information specific to the Domino Server and Lotus Notes, and not useful in other environments. The. File Extension AMR file can not be opened externally, and experts that users should not attempt to do so. Attempting to open. Id external can cause data loss or corruption, so it was not possible to have access to the information server
Eight associations have been made to date, to file bearing File Extension AMR. Three of the associations have been verified, the rest have not. Association seems to be the most common with Lotus Notes' Domino Server, previously known as the Lotus server. Domino can be used as a client / decided for the message, or as an application server. In either case, the. File Extension AMR any file that shows the extension. Identification is a file for each user registered on the Lotus Notes server.


M Miftahul Ulum said...

hmmm memang semakin maju jaman semakin maju juga teknologi

admin said...

wah, jadi semakin waspada akan penggunaan teknologi.

link balik ya...